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North Dakota Duck Hunting Season Dates and Bag Limits

North Dakota Duck Hunting Season

North Dakota waterfowl hunting guide regulations offer the various duck hunting season dates and rules. We have also listed other North Dakota waterfowl season information for various species.

North Dakota Duck Hunting Season Dates and Bag Limits

Low Plains Unit
Opens: September 27 (residents only), October 4 (nonresidents)
Closes: December 7
High Plains Unit
Opens: September 27 (residents only), October 4 (nonresidents)
Closes: December 7
Opens: December 13
Closes: January 4
Daily Limit: 5 (see Ducks and Mergansers restrictions below)
Possession Limit: 10
Shooting Hours: 30 minutes before sunrise to sunset

Low Plains Unit
Opens: September 27 (residents only), October 4 (nonresidents)
Closes: December 7
High Plains Unit
Opens: September 27 (residents only), October 4 (nonresidents)
Closes: December 7
Opens: December 13
Closes: January 4
Daily Limit: 5 (See Ducks and Mergansers restrictions below)
Possession Limit: 10
Shooting Hours: 30 minutes before sunrise to sunset

Ducks and Mergansers: Species/Sex Restrictions:
The daily bag limit on ducks is 5 with species and sex restrictions as follows: 2 scaup, 2 redheads, 2 wood ducks, only 1 from the following group: 1 hen mallard, or 1pintail, or 1 canvasback. The daily limit of 5 mergansers may include no more than 2 hooded mergansers. The possession limit on these restricted ducks and the hooded merganser is twice the daily limit.

Low Plains Unit
Opens: September 27 (residents only), October 4 (nonresidents)
Closes: December 7
High Plains Unit
Opens: September 27 (residents only), October 4 (nonresidents)
Closes: December 7
Opens: December 13
Closes: January 4
Daily Limit: 15
Possession Limit: 30
Shooting Hours: 30 minutes before sunrise to sunset

North Dakota Goose hunting season regulations:

Light Geese
Open Area: Statewide
Opens: September 27 (residents only), October 4 (nonresidents)
Closes: January 2
Daily Limit: 20
Possession Limit: No Limit
Shooting Hours: 30 minutes before sunrise to: 1 pm CDT September 27 through November 1; 2 pm CST November 2 through end of season.
Exception: Shooting hours are 30 minutes before sunrise to sunset on Saturdays and Wednesdays from September 27 through November 29; and on Saturdays, Sundays and Wednesdays from December 3 through end of season.

Canada Geese
Open Area: Statewide
Opens: September 27 (residents only), October 4 (nonresidents)
Closes: December 25 (Exception – Missouri River Zone closes January 2)
Daily Limit: 3
Possession Limit: 6
Shooting Hours: 30 minutes before sunrise to: 1 pm CDT September 27 through November 1; 2 pm CST November 2 through end of season.
Exception: Shooting hours are 30 minutes before sunrise to sunset on Saturdays and Wednesdays from September 27 through November 29; and on Saturdays, Sundays and Wednesdays from December 3 through end of season.

Missouri River Canada Goose Zone Map The Missouri River Canada Goose Zone is bordered by state, federal and county highways. The northwest boundary is the section line between section 8 and 9 of T146N R87 W (off of Mercer County 21), and the southern shoreline of Lake Sakakawea (including Mallard Island) to U.S. Highway 83.

White-fronted Geese
Open Area: Statewide
Opens: September 27 (residents only), October 4 (nonresidents)
Closes: December 7
Daily Limit: 2
Possession Limit: 4
Shooting Hours: 30 minutes before sunrise to: 1 pm CDT September 27 through November 1; 2 pm CST November 2 through end of season.
Exception: Shooting hours are 30 minutes before sunrise to sunset on Saturdays and Wednesdays from September 27 through November 29; and on Saturdays, Sundays and Wednesdays from December 3 through end of season.

Special Youth Waterfowl Season

In addition to the regular North Dakota waterfowl hunting season, there is a special youth season. The dates and rules are as follows:

Open Area: Statewide
Opens: September 20
Closes: September 21
Shooting Hours: 30 minutes before sunrise to sunset
Legally licensed residents and nonresidents 15 years of age or younger may hunt ducks, mergansers, coots or geese. An adult of at least 18 years of age must accompany the youth hunter into the field. The adult may not hunt ducks, mergansers, coots or geese. The daily bag limit, including species restrictions, and all other regulations that apply to the regular duck and goose hunting seasons apply to this special season.

For more information on North Dakota duck hunting seasons and regulations, go to North Dakota waterfowl regulations through this link>

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Idaho Duck Hunting Seasons Set By Fish And Game Department

Idaho Duck Hunting Season Set
Duck Hunting Clothing

The Idaho waterfowl season has been set by the Idaho Fish and Game Commission for duck hunting, goose hunting and other waterfowl and sage grouse seasons for the Idaho 2008 waterfowl fall season.

Idaho Duck Season:

The duck hunting season will be 107 days, running from Oct. 4 to Jan. 16, in northern and eastern Idaho and the Fort Hall Reservation; and from Oct. 11 to Jan. 23 in the southwestern part of the state.

The Idaho duck bag limit will be seven ducks. The season will be closed on canvasbacks.

A shorter scaup season will run Oct. 25 to Jan. 16, in the northern and eastern parts of the state, and from Nov. 1 to Jan. 23 in southwest Idaho.

Commissioners also set the seasons for sage-grouse hunting, which will open Sept. 20 in the following areas:

- Southwestern Owyhee County, 23-day season, two-bird bag limit.

- Northwestern Owyhee County, seven-day- season, one-bird limit.

- Eastern Owyhee County, closed.

- Magic Valley, seven-day season, one-bird limit.

- Parts of Power, Oneida and Cassia counties, seven-day season, one-bird limit.

- Most of the Upper Snake Region as well as Lemhi and part of Custer counties, 23-day season, two-bird limit.

- Big Desert area west of I-15 and south of U.S. 20, seven-day season, one-bird limit.

- Southeastern part of the state, east of I-15 and south of U.S. 26, closed.

Idaho Goose Season:

The 107-day goose season, unchanged from last year, will run from Oct. 4 to Jan. 16 in northern and eastern Idaho and the Fort Hall Reservation; and from Oct. 11 to Jan. 23 in the southwestern part of the state.

The Idaho goose hunting bag limit will be four geese.

More information will be available in the 2008 Waterfowl Seasons and Rules brochure and a pamphlet on sage grouse hunting rules, which will be available later this month from Fish and Game.

Oregon Duck Hunting Season Outlined

Duck Hunting
Oregon's duck hunting season has been set for the 2008 and 2009 seasons. Fish and Wildlife Commission adopted 2008-09 regulations for birds hunted in Oregon including migratory birds (duck, goose, mourning dove, band-tailed pigeon, coot, snipe) upland birds (pheasant, forest grouse, chukar, pheasant, California quail, mountain quail, sage grouse, turkey) and crows.

Duck Hunting Season:

The Commission approved another liberal 107-day duck hunting season with a daily bag limit of seven ducks with no more than one pintail, two scaup (86-day season), two hen mallard, and two redheads. Canvasback hunting is closed.

Due to calendar shifts, both Zone 1 and Zone 2 will open on Oct. 11 this year. Season dates are Oct. 11-26 and Oct. 29-Jan. 25 in Zone 1 and Oct. 11-Nov. 30 and Dec. 3-Jan. 25 in Zone 2. The scaup season is Nov. 1-Jan. 25 in Zone 1 and Oct. 11-Nov. 30 and Dec. 3-Jan. 6 in Zone 2.

While the duck season will remain liberal overall, canvasback hunting is closed, a conservation measure in response to drought conditions on important duck breeding grounds. The scaup bag limit will be reduced from three to two and the season length will only be 86 days.

Goose Hunting Season:

Most zones continue a 100-day Oregon gooses hunting season with a liberal daily bag limit of four dark geese and six white geese (up from four last year). Openings are concurrent with duck openers in most areas. The Tillamook County goose season, introduced last year after a 20-year closure, will be lengthened by two weeks.

In the NW Oregon Permit Zone, hunters that do not check out their geese will not only lose their hunting privileges for the remainder of the season, but for the following season. “Checking out geese is fundamental and critical to keeping this season open,” explained Brad Bales, ODFW Migratory Bird Program Coordinator. Goose hunting in the NW Permit Zone is carefully regulated due to concerns about the population status of Dusky Canada geese.

The Commission made permanent a rule allowing the destruction of resident Canada goose nests and eggs where the birds are causing property damage or threatening public health or safety. The rule brings Oregon in compliance with federal regulations adopted last year.

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