Iowa duck hunting season dates and regulations are listed here. Also provided are special seasons and notes to the regulations.
Iowa Waterfowl Season Dates:
Duck Hunting season dates:Ducks, Mergansers and Coots
Sept. 20 - 24 and Oct. 18 - Dec. 11
Goose Hunting DatesCanada Geese and Brant
Sept. 27 - Oct. 5, Oct. 18 - Dec. 21, and Dec. 27 - Jan. 11, 2009
White-fronted Geese
Sept. 27 - Dec. 7
Light Geese
Sept. 27 - Jan. 11, 2009 (white and blue phase snow geese and Ross’ geese)
Light Goose Conservation Order
Jan. 12 - April 15, 2009 (white and blue phase snow geese and (additional regulations apply) Ross’ geese)
Oct. 4 - Nov. 17
Sept. 6 - Nov. 30
Rails (Sora and Virginia)
Sept. 6 - Nov. 14
Note About Duck and Goose Zones
In contrast to recent years, this year the duck and goose season
dates are not listed by zones. This is because the season dates are
the same in each zone. This happened because of how the 2008
calendar dates aligned with weekends and holidays. The DNR has
not abandoned the duck and goose zones. If it is advantageous to
set the season dates by zones next year, the zones will once again
be used.
Iowa waterfowl regulations:Shooting Hours: 1/2-hour before sunrise to sunset for all migratory
game bird species except woodcock, which is sunrise to sunset.
Bag LimitsDucks: Daily limit is 6, including no more than 4 mallards (of
which no more than 2 may be female), 3 wood ducks, 2 redheads,
1 black duck, 1 pintail and 1 scaup, except during November 1-20,
when the daily bag limit for scaup is 2. The canvasbacks season is
closed this year.
Mergansers: Daily limit is 5, including no more than 2 hooded
Coots: Daily limit is 15.
Geese: Daily limit is 2 Canada, 2 white-fronted geese, 1 brant and
20 snow geese, except during the Special September Canada
goose season in the Des Moines, Cedar Rapids/Iowa City, and
Cedar Falls/Waterloo Zones when the daily bag limit is 5 Canada
Woodcock: Daily limit is 3.
Snipe: Daily limit is 8.
Rails (Sora and Virginia): Daily limit is 12.
Possession LimitsTwice the daily bag limit for all the above species except for light
geese for which there is no possession limit.For further informations, Click Here!